SA 8000 - Social Accountability - ISO 26001 - Corporate Social Responsibility


Social responsibility is so wide-raging and includes so many aspects (organizational governance, human rights, the environment, labour practices, consumer issues, fair operating practices , community development) so that an enterprise could satisfy some or various of these subjects, or it could satisfy some of the stakeholders necessities but could at the same time not satisfy the expectation of others. Therefore, there is a dilemma in pointing out an enterprise as socially responsible.  

ISO 26000 has been designed to give guidance, to show the outline of social responsibility, not for certification; the standard address; 

"This international Standard is not an management system standard. It is not intended or appropriate for certification purposes or regulatory or contractual use. Any offer to certify or claims to be certified , to ISO 26000 would be misrepresentation of the intent and purpose and a misuse of this international standard. As this international standard does not contain requirements, any such certification would not be a demonstration of conformity with this international standard. 

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